I began writing about running in 1981. I started running in 1980. I remember scribbling down my notes on a “Catleya notebook“ purchased from Alemars Bookstore. Then on March. 7, 2007 is when I officially created my blog, http://runningshield.blogspot.com. In the blog, I would chronicle my running experiences, some stories including my struggles about running and life as well. This was a major step up from a simple Cattleya notebook. With the blog, I am now able to share my insights to whoever may be interested to read them.
In 2013, I created an FB account and then an IG account a few years later. This served as another platform for me to share my running stories, promote my blog and get some “at-the-moment” interaction with my peers. I think this was also when all hell broke loose. I found myself gradually getting ADDICTED to this whole “social media” phenomenon. I noticed that I am on my phone (or computer) constantly checking on the latest updates, trends and spending much time looking at other people’s lives. I’m on my phone when I wake up, in the toilet, before & after my run or bike rides, during meals, before bed. I find myself trying to take the most awesome or wacky Run / Bike pictures to post. I find myself sitting on the couch or at a restaurant and I would be scrolling through my FB or IG feeds. Aimlessly. Mindlessly. Shamelessly. I had transitioned into an obsessive scrolling fiend that my thumb is actually sharing the same mileage as my running. I know I’m not alone in this. I’m sure there are many others who can relate to this “millennial” dilemma.
There have been quite a few times when this “issue” was called to my attention even to the point of some drastic intervention... like grabbing the phone directly from my hand and holding it hostage just so I would stop. I realized at that moment that I needed to Shut.It.Down. and admitting that I am an “addict” is the first step to recovery.
I’m not against social media and I don’t plan to delete all my accounts. I believe social media has some undeniable benefits. It’s connected me to some friends from all walks of life and from all around the world. It’s a useful tool for big and small enterprises to promote their brands. I am all for the “networking” angle of it. But sometimes social media can feel like a fog where it’s super difficult to see the light. That’s when I know I need to lift my head from my phone and take a breather.
Now I am putting in a conscious effort to UNPLUG or go OFFLINE at times. In fact, I did try a 2-week “cold turkey” detox from social media a couple of months back. Because of that, I was able to stay focused on other important matters at home, family, love life including running and biking. The goal is to live life in the moment and be grateful for it; to not always think of taking the perfect shot to post. In short, to be more present in LIFE. This Social Media Detox is on going. I will still take some awesome RUN / BIKE shots for posting because its something I really enjoy doing. I may share a bit of my happy life milestones but keeping in mind to put some limits or boundaries especially when it comes to my private life.
As in all break ups go - it’s not you SM, it’s me. It’s just time to claim my freedom and self control and hopefully some semblance of peace. It’s time to be social in the real sense of the word. To engage. Build real relationships with other people in the real world... especially with the ones that matter most.
With that under control, now what to do with my current addiction..... NETFLIX😔😔. One day at a time.