Mar 17, 2019


So here we are... another year, another birthday. I won’t deny that I was a bit anxious at the thought of hitting 56. The fact that I am slowly inching my way to 60, moving ever further away from 50, sometimes brings about moments of worry and concern. Truth is getting old is inevitable. But then again, old isn’t exactly what it used to be.

A few weeks ago, a good friend casually mentioned over drinks that before she hit the big 50, she too was feeling the same anxiety I felt but when the actual date came to pass, she just uttered in her British accent, “MEH". Translation : "No big deal". I almost choked on my beer that night because I just couldn't stop laughing! I love her no-nonsense attitude about life and aging. Ultimately, we can’t control getting older, but we can control how we do it. It’s a choice. We can embrace each day with joy instead of fear. We can take control of our health and take care of ourselves as we take care of those we love. We can be open to learning new ideas and experiences and stay relevant whatever the date on our birth certificates. 

I choose to forge ahead, embracing my age, embracing my life and getting ready for what’s next. So never mind if my idea of happy hour is a nap... or when a typical night out starts at 5pm and ends at 9pm... or when I can’t function without my readers... or when my favorite pastime is sitting in a La-Z-Boy watching Netflix. Getting older also has its upside. I tend to care far less of what other people think and I am able to be more myself than I have ever been. I am way more comfy now in my own “saggy” skin.

So here I am at 56 ... “MEH”. Throw me whatever you’ve got. Instead of getting stuck in the mire of midlife madness, I will try to embrace every moment with deep appreciation and joy and always with healthy dose of humor.

Happy birthday to me!