But not to run the Boston Marathon (silly), but to bring my Daughter “Patricia “ there for schooling.
My daughter Patricia (who as of today, is still under the Voting age) was accepted in a Prestigious University in Boston MA. By God’s Grace, she was also granted a partial scholarship, which means I can still eat meat once a week. :-)
For a while there, I was afraid that because of the high tuition fees & boarding expenses, I would have to settle with eating dried fish & re-fried rice for the next 5 years.
Anyway kidding aside, We will be leaving around 1st week of August, and my wife younger daughter and I will be back in Manila early September.
I am just putting a straight face and cracking silly jokes left and right about her leaving, in fact my other daughter and I said as soon as her big sister leaves, we are converting her room to the “NAKED ROOM”. Ha ha. :-)
But frankly I have been crying inside. When I run, tears come rolling down my cheeks. Sometimes I just suddenly stop on the middle of the road and cry.
You see, Patricia and I are very close. She is my “Barkada”, we spend a lot of time together eating, shopping, talking, watching movies, having coffee, etc.
But most of all, just hanging out with her brings me great joy. But I know sooner or later I have to let go of her so she can begin her new life as an adult.
I’ve always said the greatest mistake a parent can do is hold on to the kids and not make them grow up to be independent. Letting go is not the end of the world, letting go is the beginning of a new chapter in once life.
I will truly miss my Baby. I will miss hugging her and smelling her odor. But most of all, I will simply miss holding her hand, with her fingers that look like little sausages and telling to her face
So, if you see me on the road and my eyes are red. You know why.
Lastly, if you think she will be a runner like me... forget it she sucks at sports. Her Professor in Physical Ed gave her an A for Effort!

Halloween Party and relaxing in the beach at Guam
Graduation and with her 1st B.F. " Sam J. "

Bora Time
I'll miss my baby