Feb 14, 2009

RS Project

I decided to do a Running Body Check on myself. Using my GF 305 / Heart Rate Monitor (HRM) and Body / Fat % weighing scale.
I did a little experiment I call it the "RS Project"
Listed below is the data I was able to gather on my experiment.
1.) AGE - 45
Note. I will be 46 in a month.
2.) HEIGHT - 5'5
3.) WEIGHT - 134 lbs.
4.) FAT % - 8.9
5.) RESTING HEART RATE - 55 bpm.
1.) TIME - 57mins. 45sec.
2.) AVERAGE HEART RATE - 150 bpm.
3.) MAXIMUM HEART RATE - 164 bpm.
4.) AVERAGE PACE - 5 mins 44 sec. / km.
5.) MAXIMUM FASTEST PACE - 4 mins 39 sec. / km.