But it’s NOT about the numbers.
The Goal is NOT to accumulate Mega kilometres.
The Goal is to Enjoy Running and use it as an Instrument to make life better for Others".
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"Why do I run? I have written over the years of the benefits I receive from running. Enumerated the physical and mental changes. Listed the emotional and spiritual gains. Charted the improvement that has taken place in my person and my life. What I have not emphasized is how transient these values and virtues are.
With just a little thought, however, it should be evident that physical laws parallel those of the mind and the spirit. We know that the effects of running are temporary. I cannot put fitness in the bank. . Otherwise the sedentary life will inexorably reduce my mental and emotional well-being.
So, I run each day to preserve the self I attained the day before. And coupled with this is the desire to secure the self yet to be. There can be no let up.
Through running I have learned what I can be and do. My body is now sensitive to the slightest change. It is particularly aware of any decline or decay.
Running has made this new me. Taken the raw material and honed it and delivered it back ready to do the work of a human being. I run so I do not lose myself from what
I was yesterday and the I might become tomorrow".
Excerpt: Going The Distance - Dr. George Sheehan