I notice when i use my "GARMIN 310XT" the distance recorded is LONGER and the pace is FASTER compared to the "NIKE GPS Sports watch" where the distance recorded is SHORTER and the pace is SLOWER .
Because i m obsessed with Actual Distance and Pace Run I decided to wear BOTH watches and do a side by side comparison.
Below is the results .
- Brand :::::::::::::::::::: Garmin :::::::::::::::: Nike GPS
- Distance KM :::::::::: 16.87 km :::::::::::::::: 16.19 km
- Pace ::::::::::::::::::::::: 5.54/km ::::::::::::::::: 6.09/km
- Time :::::::::::::::::::::::1:39:37 ::::::::::::::::::: 1:39:27
- Calories ::::::::::::::::: 1,076 ::::::::::::::::::::::: 974
Observations :
1. A difference of 680 meters in distance. - not acceptable
2. A difference of 15 second pace / km. - not acceptable
3. A difference of 10 seconds in finish time is fine because i would sometimes turn on / off my Garmin watch ahead of Nike and vice versa on stop light / pedestrian lane etc. - acceptable
4. A difference of 102 calories. - NOT NOT ACCEPTABLE !!
That's equivalent to 10 pcs of chocolate covered raisin ... my favorite :-).

Conclusion :
Both watches are very good.
I cant say if Garmin is more reliable compared to Nike but i have been using Garmin for almost 4 years and it has never failed me.
I also prefer the features and options of the Garmin.