Feb 13, 2013

Hong Kong

 The Original plan was for the clan to celebrate the 2013 New Year’s Eve in Hong Kong but because of late planning and no hotel room conformation the plan was scrapped.
Fast Forward…… My Dad and Mom asked us kids (we are all above 45 yrs. old and we are still called kids ) if we still wanted to pursue our Hong Kong plans after the Condura Skyway Marathon of course we all said a big, “YES” !!!!!
Not everyone could come some had school, some had expired passport etc. but in spite of that we all still had fun.
We did not really do much in Hong Kong but basically bonded…ate…quento….ate again …. A little shopping but definitely more eating.
I think in our 4 day stay in H.K. I ate an equivalent of a 2 weeks meals.
But I always have a great time with the Clan its always very relaxing and stress free.
My Parents are in their twilight years and we try to spend as much quality time as we can with them.
Till next time.
Oh and the weather in Hong Kong was extremely chilly an average 12C good excuse to eat like a pig but most of all RUN ALL DAY ! 
Having an ice cream with my dad 
his having raspberry while im having vanilla ( boring me )
I hate my white running shoes 
 Day 1, Cloudy, 13C
Ran 15.41 km  
 Day 2, Rain and extremely windy, 12C
Ran 15.34 km
 Day 3, Cloudy, 11C 
Ran 15.67
Dad is still sleeping we kids and mom muna
My Car " Rolls Royce " I wish the car cost more than my lifetime salary 
 View from our hotel window
We are still kids at heart
 Peking Duck my favorite Chinese food
Salad nalang i have indigestion already

im claustrophobic