Oct 1, 2012

Adidas 2012

I like this smiling picture " life is good " - thank you Sponge Bob Runner

I think this is the 6th time that I have joined an Adidas king of the road race, but I would have to say this year has to be the best.
The reason I say it’s the best because the set up of the Adidas village was done very well . The stage, booths, toilets, baggage check in etc. where all located in strategic areas that it wasn't  crowded but also not so far apart that it looked empty. I particularly love the live band – “Itchy Worm” very gyrating.
The race was also very well organize.
In spite of the volume of runners, it wasn't so crowded and Masikip.  Lots of hydration , accurate km markers and the marshals did a fairly good job. GREAT JOB – PROACTIVE.
 The only scary part of the race was when a male runner collapsed around the 9 km marker and he banged his head on the pavement.
I saw running friend “ Vener “  and a few other runners giving him CPR. I would have to say that was a disturbing sight.
It made me feel weak especially the sight of blood from the info I got the male runner is OK and they brought him to MMC on time.
Anyway .... I was also very pleased with my performance because I was just injured a couple of weeks ago and I was  afraid I would have to suffer a long process of rehabilitation but surprisingly my foot did not hurt and I could kick very well. Thank you God.
Good race and I can’t wait to do it again next year.
Congratulations to Proactive “ Jayem and Ian Alcazar you guys are getting better every time you organize a race !
 Race Distance : 16.800 km
Actual Distance (Garmin): 17. 005 km
Pace : 5:36 / km
Time : 1:35:44
Who else than our very own  " Eduardo Buenavista " as promised Running Shoe coming up 

Good, good Running friend - Paolo
Running friend Vener
Mark A, me and Jinoe - Takbo.ph
Running friends
Sponge Bob runner
Running friend