We wanted to see what the Park has to offer.
One of the main attractions of the park is the “Jellies or Jelly fish Dance”.
If I’m not mistaken it is only here in the Philippines that you can see Jelly Fish in captivity.
I have seen a lot of jellyfish in the beach. In fact, I even got stung a few times already, but never have I seen jelly fish in a controlled environment.
As we entered the Jelly Fish room which was very dark , I was in AWE!
Seeing the Jelly Fish dancing and fluttering elegantly in the water brought a sense of calmness in me.
It was lovely to see these simple creatures of the deep, just slowly moving in the water like butterflies.
You’ll fall in love with their graceful dancing like sea fairies.
What caught my attention the most was, even though they were fully packed in the aquarium - they never seem to bump into each other!
Each one respected each other’s space.
In life, sometimes we get so caught up with long runs, speed trainings, fast/slow twitches, hamstrings, calves, ITB, muscle, shin splits, nerves etc. etc.
That we forget to step back and appreciate the beauty of simple things in life - like a Jelly Fish dancing and fluttering elegantly in the water.