Every time I go out of town or to a different country.
I would look for a tree, fence or even an electric post and tie a nylon string around it. The reason I do this is to leave my “Mark” A statement that “Patrick Concepcion / RunningShield " ran in this particular area”.
In August 2010. I left my mark in Boston by tying a nylon string on a lamp post just right outside my Daughters Dorm.
Fast forward....... I went back to Boston Sept 2011 and during my run i made a detour to check if the nylon string was still tied on the lamp post and what do you know it’s still there !!!!
Neither summer heat , rain and snow did it cause any damage to the nylon string. It’s like a statement or time warp of my existence.

Kerr Hall, Fenway Road , Boston (August 2010)

Kerr Hall, Fenway Road , Boston ( Sept 2011 )
For this year 2011 i decided to again to put 2 more " RunningShield Marks"in Boston.
Hopefully, when i do come back in this area after a few years or decades it will still be present same with the nylon string tied on the Lamp post just outside Kerr Hall last August 2010.
Charles River, Boston . TREE TAG NO. 720
Willis Hall, Leon st. Boston