Feb 6, 2010


At exactly 11.59 pm Feb.06, 2010. I will be doing a Cinderella.
From Patrick Concepcion – Condura Run Organizer, I will change physically but most of all Mentally to RunningShield the Runner.
The Runner who will be doing the Condura Run Marathon 42.195km.
Running has always been my Passion and in my opinion Running has change my life for the better without running I become a Norm.
I always felt that it is what I do best.
A PR would be awesome but after all the stress and sleepless nights the past few days to finish at a decent time will be my goal.
To all who are doing the Condura Race whether it is the 3k, 5k, 10k, 21k and the Marathon event.
Thank you for all your support. I deeply apologise for any inconvenience
always remember.......
“ No matter how Fast or Slow you Run once you cross that finish line it will change your life “