May 30, 2019

39 Years Running

     To say that ‘I love Running’ is a complete understatement.   Running is my life where almost everything takes a back seat or has to work around it.   But contrary to popular belief, I do not always RISE & SHINE eager to fly out the door for my morning runs.  
When its 4:15am, your alarm is ringing and it’s dark outside, sometimes the thought of emerging from your toasty nest is not exactly an appealing prospect.  Believe me there have been days when  I just want to stay in bed and indulge in a big plate of SPAM “tostado” slices ,  two fried eggs  and sinangag rice while watching Natgeo. 
And dont ever think “na hindi ako na papagod.” Excuse me (!!!) Even when I do manage to get myself out the door, sometimes it becomes a struggle to simply continue especially when the weather is extreme or I lack sleep or have had just a bit too much too drink the night before.  Those are the days when I really question my sanity.  
Truth be told, there have been occasions where I just wanted to turn back, head for home and gulp down an ice cold diet soda fix.  So you see, even though my passion for running is undeniable, I am as human as the next guy.  The struggle is very real people. BUT as soon as I am able to battle my demons... as soon as I get my foot out that door regardless if it’s a good day or not,  everything changes.  My mind is set. I become myself. I am in my natural zone. I am like a teenager on LSD.  I feel the rush. I feel free.  I am happy.  I am me … the Runner… “ RUNNINGSHIELD “.

Through the years you realize that Running is as much a  mental game as it is physical.  39 years didn’t come easy.  I am grateful though that each run is a chance for me to get my Zen on while getting the miles in. With each run,  I feel recharged, balanced, and ready to face whatever comes my way. Running is an adventure, a learning experience and I  sincerely hope to go on through my running days still learning  ...growing ...smiling. 
On this day of my 39th year running anniversary,   I have accumulated 114,453.88 kms. to date. (May 30, 1980 to May 30, 2019)

“What was it like before we started running?” I could not remember.  If there had been a life before running, it was imperfect and unfulfilled.” 
  - George Sheehan