Pinoy Fitness has always been a loyal supporter
of Condura Skyway Marathon.
They also have been very good to me especially
Pinoy Fitness head - Ms. Mars Callo. It is just appropriate that I support
their race.
I also needed a 10 km race to wake up my legs.
The short races are very good to wake up the
fast twitch muscles.
This is also my last race for the year 2012.
Hopefully Ha ha!
What was unique about this race is it was BYOC
– “Bring your own Cups”. They had water on the route but no cups. Luckily, I
don’t have any major problem with hydration. I’m still good around the 15km.
It was a good race. Lively, fast and the cool.
The weather really helped a lot the runners
finish well.
I also had a pretty good time and my legs felt
pretty fresh when I finished the race.
Congratulations to Pinoy Fitness
And Proactive group for a fine race.
Distance: 10 km
Running friends