Jul 8, 2013

KOTR - adidas 16.800 KM

"In the Philippines, chicken feet is known as Adidas"
....or better known as adidas 16.800 km

The adidas  KOTR is one of the longest running races in the Philippines.  This is the 4 th adidas race I have joined thus far.   Many people may wonder why the race distance is 16.800 km  and not the usual 21 km or more.  16.8 km is actually  equivalent to 10 miles which is a recognized distance in the running community worldwide.   Based on feedback I received, the Adidas  race bibs were selling like hot cakes and was a bit difficult to get by.  Luckily,   my race bib was sponsored by the “ Proactive “ group :).  Thank you very much !!!

Inspite  of my daily runs and crazy high  mileage lately,  I decided to take Saturday off with the hope of a good run come race day...( and also because I had a late  night Friday and a little too much to eat and drink haha ).  But no more excuses.....Just  like any "seasoned" veteran runner (meaning "old timer") , all  I needed to do was focus. 

As expected, a huge number of participants from the   running community turned up for the event which is not surprising given its popularity.  The race organizers did a pretty good job this time in handling the volume of runners which didn't require much zigzagging along the race route.  Gun Start was at 5am which, in my opinion is a perfect time and not too early for me.  However, vehicular traffic on street crossings was something some runners had to contend with towards the latter part of the morning.  But that's all part of the game and the run.  Weather was  surprisingly cool  considering it was hot and sunny the day before.

All in all, adidas KOTR 2013 was properly organized, well attended and quite enjoyable as well.   Always nice to see a lot of familiar and friendly faces in and along the race route who share the same passion for the sport.  At least on that day, we were all " KINGS OF THE ROAD"  :) 

I finished with a time of 1.29 with a little bit of steam still left in my legs.  Good enough for a "seasoned veteran" runner  (a.k.a.  old timer) like me    :)

Distance : 16.8 km ( 10 miles )
Finish Time :  1.29
NOTE : my 2012 adidas 2012 KOTR 2012 finish  time was 1:35:44 i improved by more than 6 mins :-))

Best Friend Paolo C.
Pictures below are with New and Old Running Friends