I looked at him and smiled to myself, and without missing a stride, I just continued with my run.
After about 5 Min's, I told myself, “Wait a minute, at the speed Gary is doing, it will take at least 10 Min's for him to cross the other side of the road. And for sure, if a fast car comes along, he will definitely be squashed.
I immediately turned back and raced to the spot where I saw Gary. I had only one motive in my mind, and that was to "HELP Gary cross the road before it is too late".
As I was heading back to the spot where I saw Gary, I counted 2 cars and 1 jeep that passed me. And I thought, “Oh no that’s it Gary is dead ”
But to my surprise, when I reached the spot, HE WAS STILL ALIVE!...slugging his way across the other side of the road.
I immediately picked him up, as he retreated inside his shell, and gently carried him to the grassy vacant lot.
I waited for a few minutes for him to come out of his shell, and as he did, I smiled and continued with my run.
So you may ask, “What is the moral lesson learned from this experience with Gary?”.
Maybe the moral lesson is “ Don’t postpone what you can do TODAY” or “ It’s never too late to do what is RIGHT“
Frankly, I really don’t know ... but one thing I know for sure.. is it FELT GOOD to help Gary cross the road.